Rent Connect Officer

 What you will be doing:
  • Assess and respond to customer needs, including assessment of a customer's housing need, and their ability to sustain a tenancy in the private market.
  • Provide private rental assistance to customers with a housing need including information, education, coaching and advocacy to help customers find, secure and sustain private rental accommodation.
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  • Establish, strengthen, utilise strategic networks and individual relationships with local real estate agents and lessors, non-government and government human service providers, temporary accommodation providers and local government agencies.
  • Developing and maintaining current knowledge of the local rental market and housing options available.
  • Participate in local initiatives to improve inter-agency linkages and service delivery.
  • Develop effective relationships and networks within the broader housing and support system.
  • Leading, coaching, and mentoring Housing Officers in the delivery of basic Rent Connect services.
  • Lead and ensure you establish and maintain a workplace safety culture by ensuring that all policies and practices concerning Workplace Health and Safety are applied and a part of day to day operations.
Applications to remain current for 12 months.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License.




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